Pipeline to Bright Futures

Education produces outcomes that enable our community to thrive. With education success, young people see bright futures ahead for themselves and others see promise in the young adults who are graduating. We seek to create this ultimate success for our community.

What do you hope we improve together? We invite you to review the outcomes and indicators of success below, and to engage and voice your hopes for what we aspire to improve together.

We are in the process of selecting community education outcomes along the cradle to career continuum that we, as a community, want to measure and improve together. The process of improvement will be long-term and continuous, embracing small improvements every day, to big ideas for large-scale social change.

This graphic was updated on November 30, 2015:

[cs_image_map_pro_cornerstone map_id=”5738″]

Click here to download our Pipeline graphic as a PDF.

Learn about our data sources here.