Bright Futures is a community partnership of diverse members fostering progress in education outcomes for local students, from cradle to career, and improving the pipeline of quality talent within Monterey County.
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Empower the Youth of Monterey County
Monterey County (based on 2016-2020 Census data)
Population 437,000
Median age 34.7 years
Median household income $76,943
29% of residents were born outside of the US
73% of persons age 25+ are high school graduates or higher
26% of persons age 25+ have a Bachelor’s degree or higher
Top employment categories: Educational services, health care and social assistance; Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting, and mining
Monterey County has one 4-year institution, California State University, Monterey Bay, and two 2-year institutions, Hartnell College and Monterey Peninsula College.
Source: US Census Bureau. Retrieved from in May 2022.
Students (based on 2021-22 enrollment)
74,700 students enrolled in K-12
88% are students of color
The largest racial/ethnic group is Hispanic or Latino (82% of students)
62% of students enter school as emergent bi/multilinguals, meaning they are learning English This is the highest percentage among California counties
61% of all students speak Spanish
12% are students with disabilities
74% of students qualify for free and reduced meals
Source: California Department of Education. Retrieved from in May 2022.